Monday, May 11, 2009

Paschal's at Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport

Airport food courts tend to be like those in shopping malls, running toward McDonald's, Burger Kings, Cinnabons (oh so good, and good for you), Dominos Pizza, a Chik-Fil-A (Eat Mor Chikin, as the cows say) here and there, and not a lot else. Okay, a Chili's, a Friday's, and in Cincinnati even a Gold Star Chili. And of course, the numerous Star Bucks, with the requisite line of 50 people waiting to pay too much for the same coffee they could get at any number of the aforementioned fast food chains for less money and no wait but they wouldn't have the Star Bucks cup to carry on the plane, so there's that!

In the Atlanta airport, one place stands out--Paschal's. Go to for detailed history, etc. I almost always stop in Terminal A or B for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if the timing is right (and the timing is almost always right). Everything is good, in fact great, down-home, southern country/comfort food. Last Friday morning I had scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and some sausage, all covered with some of the finest gravy anywhere. If you are there for lunch or dinner, don't leave without some mac'n'cheese--nothing better. And the chicken--to die for! There are also all sorts of other southern foods I might not try (meaning they are mostly vegetables) but look and smell very good--give them a try.

As good as the food is, the people serving are even better. They all have that southern charm, saying things like "What can I get you today babe, hun, or sweetie"? You just don't hear that north of the Mason Dixon! All the workers seem to know they are serving great food and are proud to do it. Nice to see in this day and age.

Stop by and say hey the next time you are in the Atlanta airport!

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